Healing and Deliverance (H&D) is biblical, and it is not like Hollywood! It is nothing to be scared or ashamed of. It is something we all need to help us walk from a place of victory rather than defeat.

You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
Acts 10:38

The word oppressed means pressured and not possessed as we think about. We are all pressured to do things, and when we give in to the pressures of the enemy we open a door for the enemy to work through. We all need inner healing or deliverance. We can all be harassed, burdened down, worn out, and walk in defeat rather than victory. The enemy will feed off of our hurts, pains, and un-forgiveness to bring chaos in our lives. Jesus came so we could be set free and walk in a place of victory.

Deliverance is something that every single one of us can benefit from, and that does not diminish the power of the cross. It magnifies it and helps us to walk VICTORIOUSLY at the same time.


Gates of Freedom’s style of H&D does not stand or promote anyone yelling, screaming, or the need to embarrass you. We do not need to make a show or a scene to set you free. We believe that using love and professionalism is far more effective and it provides lasting freedom, and relationship between all parties involved..

Our Gates of Freedom sessions of H&D that are a combination of group and individual settings. These are H&D sessions not services. We will not ask you to tell us about your past, if you have any offense, pain, hurt, addiction because we will prophetically minister to you by using the Holy Spirit to guide us. He knows what binds you more than we do. With this type of ministry, we find people are set free deeper, and it lasts.

In the group setting, we will explain the process and lead the group through a series of simple prayers. In the individual setting, we pair you up with a team (usually of 2, but can be 3 for training) in a more private and confidential area to minister directly and prophetically to you and your specific needs.

Corporate Sessions can last 1.5 to 3 hours which depends on the number of participants and ministers in attendance. Individual sessions can last 1.5 to 2 hours on average.


Healing and Deliverance is not counseling and it should not be viewed as so. It is not to be used as alternative to doctors and/or counselors. We believe H&D can be a major step towards freedom and total healing, but it should not be used to replace treatment prescribed by medical professionals.

Gates of Freedom is overseen by ordained ministers and trained team members not licensed medical professionals. For those with medical/mental health concerns, we strongly recommend you seek the assistance of related medical professionals alongside H&D.

We will never tell you to stop treatment or stop taking prescribed medication. We strongly recommend that you contact your doctor/counselor to be seen and let them make the professional decision to remove you from treatment and medication.